There is an art to getting Kindle books noticed through Amazon ... an art I haven't quite mastered. I've put two up there now, and they sit there, but there has to be a way to bring them to the wider public.
My first was a trial. PANDORA'S BOX is a story I wrote when my mother died. It's about a young girl who should be more careful what she wishes for. Her mother and she were close, just as I was close to my own. I grew to know Mum in later years as a woman, listening and learning how things had been for her. We shared so much. She became my soulmate. And in 1996 when finally cancer took her from this world into another, I wanted to follow her down, to know where her spirit may go.
As always, the way I dealt with that trauma and the whole grieving process was to write my thoughts and feelings, which slowly grew into a story. In turn, it became fascinating researching the Greeks, finding out about Pandora, wondering what became of her after she opened the box and let loose all the evils into the world. In my own version of the story she remains angry with the gods, she wants her life back, and more than anything else, she wants to try out all the new gadgetry the dawn of technology brings. Alisha, the young girl who loses her mother and who wishes at her grave she could join her, is a gift. Finally Pandora can exchange souls and live the life denied her. She's sticking two fingers up at the gods.
I enjoyed writing the book so much.

In 1984 I founded LIFELINE which became a UK national support network for all those in abusive relationships ... mentally, emotionally, physically, sexually. I was forced to give up my Directorship almost ten years on to deal with personal affairs and protect my own. But the people I met and shared with through those years I still think about and wonder. For them I still have that special place in my heart. We were the only organisation working with the family as a whole ... victims, survivors, second loving husbands and partners and families, as well as abusers and paedophiles. It was important to recognise all parts of the problem in order to understand the source, to create more effective child protection programmes for the future, linking with all agencies involved. Often I have wondered what became of you. Often I have wished you well, hoping you found your own peace on earth as I did.
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